Title: PEMDAS (complete) Author: Life_Not_Knife Pairing: Onkey Rating: NC-17 Genre: Smut, fluff and romance. Summary: For Jinki everything in life has an answer or a formula. That is, until Kim Kibum appears in his life Word Count: 15,695
Title: Perplexed (32/33) Author: life_not_knife Rating: Pg-13 Genre: Fluff, Angst, Drama. Warnings: None Summary: "Key has quite an easy life and with Jonghyun beside him, nothing can bring him down… until he meets Jinki... and nothing short of an earthquake can knock Jinki down…. Until he meets one Kim Kibum." Word Count: 5219
Summary: "Key has quite an easy life and with Jonghyun beside him, nothing can bring him down… until he meets Jinki... and nothing short of an earthquake can knock Jinki down…. Until he meets one Kim Kibum."
Title: Perplexed (30/33) Author: life_not_knife Rating: Pg-13 Genre: Fluff, Angst, Drama. Warnings: None Summary: "Key has quite an easy life and with Jonghyun beside him, nothing can bring him down… until he meets Jinki... and nothing short of an earthquake can knock Jinki down…. Until he meets one Kim Kibum." Word Count: 3671